Friday 27 September 2019

Autumn Equinox

This day is the fulcrum, the tipping point
Over which the seesaw of the season
Balances, perfectly spirit level.
Day and night, with commensurate restraint,
Sit facing each other as if they’ve chosen
To let the year begin to unravel
While, for a moment, enjoying the sense
Of suspense in equiponderance.

Despite Day still being warm, there is a sense
Of the cold, of the dark, to come, of Night
Quite inexorably consuming the light:
Look out, the realm of darkness is immense.

An instant of stasis, as if time stalls,
As if a breath is held, then a leaf falls.

                                                                                                        Dave Alton

Dark Peak Walking

Rambling down a rubbled Roman road from
Purpled moor towards Hope, by a cohort
Of cone shedding pines. Let the gaze consort
With the view through the dale despite its slim
Exclamation mark cement works chimney
Giving the finger to farming. Hedge-row
Brambles hang heavy with blackberries that grow
So freely crumbles, it seems, have to be.

Mountain bikers, heather-faced, breathlessly
Pressing pedals to deny jagged stones
And gravity up that track where legions trod.
Endeavour fashions all there is to see
In this human nature, and sure as bones
Man passes by whether God or no God.

                                                                                                       Dave Alton